
Problem of Staff Recruitment in Local Government System (A Study of Nnewi North Local Government Area)

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This study examined the problem of staff recruitment in Nnewi North Local Government Area. Recruitment includes several practices and activities which carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. A sample of 171 respondents was selected from a population of 300 staff using simple random sampling. Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources presented in tables and analyzed using percentages and frequencies. Hypotheses were formulated and tested using Chi square analysis method. It was observed that there are problems affecting effective implementation of recruitment policies, such as corruption, fund, tribalism and nepotism in Nnewi North Local Government Area, It was also observed that there is was also observed that recruitment is given on the basis of ethnic line and patronage, rather than on merit; recruitment process is not monitored to ensure fairness, and the Local Government do not advertise vacancies on national dailies. Following the above findings, the researcher has recommended that all applicants should be treated fairly; the issues of favouritism should be avoided while selecting applicants. It is important for the organization in other for there to be an improvement in organizational performance in terms of quantity, quality, and speed of work achievement. Also staff recruitment and selection in the Public Service should not be based on the skills of the applicants alone. Positive attitude should also be considered as well. The right attitude not only benefits the employee but also maintains workplace morale and improves overall performance that benefits both the employee as well as the organization as a whole.

Problem of Staff Recruitment in Local Government System (A Study of Nnewi North Local Government Area)

ABSTRACT: This study examined the problem of staff recruitment in Nnewi North Local Government Area. Recruitment includes several practices and activities which carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. A sample of 171 respondents was selected from a population of 300 staff using simple random sampling. Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources presented in tables and analyzed using percentages and frequencies. Hypotheses were formulated and tested using Chi square analysis method. It was observed that there are problems affecting effective implementation of recruitment policies, such as corruption, fund, tribalism and nepotism in Nnewi North Local Government Area, It was also observed that there is was also observed that recruitment is given on the basis of ethnic line and patronage, rather than on merit; recruitment process is not monitored to ensure fairness, and the Local Government do not advertise vacancies on national dailies. Following the above findings, the researcher has recommended that all applicants should be treated fairly; the issues of favouritism should be avoided while selecting applicants. It is important for the organization in other for there to be an improvement in organizational performance in terms of quantity, quality, and speed of work achievement. Also staff recruitment and selection in the Public Service should not be based on the skills of the applicants alone. Positive attitude should also be considered as well. The right attitude not only benefits the employee but also maintains workplace morale and improves overall performance that benefits both the employee as well as the organization as a whole.


AN OVERVIEW OF Problem of Staff Recruitment in Local Government System (A Study of Nnewi North Local Government Area)



  • Introduction
    • Background of the Study

Recruitment is an important process to attract human resources to achieve organizations effectiveness and success (Djabatey, Edward Nartey, 2012). Recruitment is considered as the key to organizations success and it is an instrument in which enables the organization to achieve its competitive value, through continues supplying of required and desired quality of individuals that the organization needed at the right time and place with least cost. In the operations of any organization, recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resource department and recruitment process is the first step towards creating the competitive strength of organizations.

Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time. Accordingly, Recruitment and selection are conceived as the processes by which organizations solicit, contact and interest potential appointees, and then establish whether it would be appropriate to appoint any of them, Sisson (2014). The organization may fail in selecting the actual needed human resources whether it is in quality or number, especially when the recruitment pool is too large.

Recruitment includes several practices and activities which carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. Rynes ( 2009 ) Suggested that the recruitment encompasses all organizational practices and decisions that affect either the number, or types of individuals who are willing to apply for, or to accept a given vacancy. Recruitment inputs includes job analysis job design and strategic planning for human resources which it aims to identify Surplus or shortage in employees, in the same time the outputs of recruitment process are the inputs of selecting and placement.

One of the most significant developments in the field of organizations in recent times is the increasing importance given to human resource recruitment. People are vital to organizations as they offer perspectives, values and attributes to organizational life; and when managed effectively, these human traits can be of considerable benefits to the organization. As revealed in Djabatey (2012) this scenario lends credence to the increasing attention being paid to the people aspect of organizational wealth. This is so because the development of people, their competencies, and the process development of the total organization are the fulcrum of human resource management (Mullins, 2013; Djabatey, 2012). That is to say recruitment and selection forms part of management decisions, therefore a decisions need to be made before recruitment which is ‟geared at attracting people‟ and selection which is ‟geared at picking the best candidate‟ is made for final training. In an increasingly global and sophisticated marketplace, recruitment and selection has become an essential tool for organizations in ensuring that they have the human resources necessary to achieve their current strategic direction and to continue innovating and growing in the future. Recruitment and selection has become increasingly important as one way of delivering behaviors seen as necessary to support organizational strategies (Taylor, 2012).

Productivity can be enhanced by a suitable work environment. It can also be a product of effective recruitment and selection process (Catano et al., 2013). An effective recruitment and selection process can ensure that an institution hires the right candidate for a particular job or role. However, research has consistently indicated that human resource practitioners do not follow their institution’s recruitment and selection processes in the appropriate manner (Aswathappa, 2014). Hence, institutions experience high labour turnover, high staff absenteeism, job reworks, high training expenses, labour unrest and low productivity (Robbins et al., 2010).

Since World War II and the growth of modern management science, solid organization planning has become the key differentiator enabling competitive success. As we move through the 21st century where a globalized workforce is the basis of competition we find that the principles of human resource planning and development are of prime importance (Sikander, 2015). The success of a business or an organization is directly linked to the performance of those who work for that organization Underachievement can be a result of workplace failures. Because hiring the wrong people or failing to anticipate fluctuations in hiring needs can be costly, it is important that conscious efforts are put into human resource planning (Biles, 2008).

Recruitment and selection are vital functions of human resource management for any type of business organization. These are terms that refer to the process of attracting and choosing candidates for employment. The quality of the human resource the firm has heavily depends on the effectiveness of these two functions (Gamage, 2014). Recruiting and selecting the wrong candidates who are not capable come with a huge negative cost which businesses cannot afford. Thus, the overall aim of recruitment and selection within the organization is to obtain the number and quality of employees that are required to satisfy the strategic objectives of the organization, at minimal cost (Ofori & Aryeetey, 2011).

For Gamage (2014) the selection practices will determine who is hired. If properly designed, it will identify competent candidates and accurately match them to the job. The use of the proper selection device will increase the probability that the right person is chosen to fill a slot. When the best people are selected for the job, productivity increases. Little wonder that literature such as Terpstra and Rozell (2013) reported of a positive association between the extensiveness of recruiting, selection test validation and the use of formal selection procedures and firm profits. Similarly, Rauf (2010) discovered that sophisticated recruitment and selection procedures are positively related to performance in organizations. Writing on some of the challenges facing recruitment and selection criteria in organizations, István (2010) observed that there are a plenty of techniques used in recruitment and hiring today among which are some methods not accepted by experts universally, or not recommended for the hiring process. As argued by István (2010), selection methods can be evaluated in several ways. One possible approach is to compare hiring techniques on the basis of their validity, impartiality, scope of usage, and cost.

In all, Sinha and Thaly (2013) noted that there is a variety of recruitment approaches (e.g. employee referral, campus recruitment, advertising, recruitment agencies/consultants, job sites/portals, company websites, social media etc.); and most organizations will use a combination of two or more of these as part of a recruitment process or to deliver their overall recruitment strategy. However, which recruiting channels should be used depends on the job position, on the company’s employer brand, on the resources the company has on its recruiting team, on how much recruiting budget the company has, etc.

To manage a diverse workforce effectively, an organization must hire and promote the most capable candidate for a job, while being mindful of the necessity to build a workforce that is representative of the greater business community. This may be achieved through using more appropriate and inclusive recruitment and selection strategies. Despite a recent increase in published literature discussing recruitment and selection practices, there has been little change in the types of methods used to recruit and select employees (Kelly, 2006). Better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. The more effectively organizations recruit and select candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees.

  • Statement of the Problem

An effective recruitment and selection process can ensure that an institution hires the right candidate for a particular job or role. However, research has consistently indicated that human resource practitioners do not follow their institution’s recruitment and selection processes in the appropriate manner (Aswathappa, 2007). Hence, institutions experience high labour turnover, high staff absenteeism, job reworks, high training expenses, labour unrest and low productivity (Robbins 2009). Most organization fail to formulate plans to fill or eliminate future job openings based on analysis of future needs, the talent available within and outside of the organization, and the current anticipated resources that can be expended to attract and retain such talent.

Despite the resources and time spent in the rigorous process of selection and placement, there is still little or no improvement in the services rendered by Nnewi North LGA. Olabisi (2007) identified some problems in the recruitment system in most government establishments, this includes; Not adhering to recruitment and selection guidelines and procedure, Irregular recruitment process to compliment already existing staff, Nonchalant attitude of management to comply with recruitment process, unconventional Recruitment process on the basis of patronage, favouritism, tribalism, instead of on the basis of merit. According to Nwafor (2015) appointments to government and other important political positions are made strictly across ethnic lines. This has the tendency to have infested prestigious companies as well resulting to marginalization of some categories of the employable individuals irrespective of their contingencies in human capital.

Even though it is the wish of every organization to attract the best human resource in order to channel their collective effort into excellent performances, unconventional selection practices has become the order of the day, this has undermine the performance of organizations (Kazim, 2011). It has been observed by Sikander (2015) that many organizations, recruits inexperienced manpower as a measure in reducing cost to achieve its stated objectives and goals. Management have not put in place policies or strategies that will help attract the best of employees to strive towards the achievement of organizational objectives.

Shandu (2006) stated that pitfalls experienced by public organizations regarding recruitment and selection are as a result of no clear cut policies on recruitment and selection.  Despite the existence of clear legislative requirements regarding recruitment, public organizations fail to adhere to them or to put in place internal policies. According to Kilibarda and Fonda (1997), good recruitment and selection practices can minimize the risks of failing to achieve the business strategy and of incurring needless costs as: Business and organizational strategies can be jeopardized if the people who are appointed are not capable of contributing effectively, if appointments are not timely, or if no appointment is made.  Unnecessary expense can arise due to costs of training and replacements since poor recruits may perform badly and/or leave their employment. Remedial costs and inefficiency in the recruitment process itself also contribute to increased costs.

Mistakes in the recruitment process can have serious consequences for companies ‘survival and success (Storey, 2009). Contrary to this premise and as cited above, information from the National Bureau of Statistics (2013) reveals that underemployment in the country which stands at 68.3% is a product of corruption and discriminatory practices by some employers. Recruitment policies often include issues about considering internal applications, developing existing employees, handling and processing applications in a fast and proper way, not exaggerating or making false claims in the job advertisement and not discriminating in any way (Stredwick, 2000). The high rate of underemployment in the country is an indication that most recruitment strategies are flawed.

In Nigeria, public sector is the major employer. Despite being the biggest employer, the recruitment and selection techniques are not up to the mark, as has been reported by the World Bank (2006). Nepotism and corruption mar
the recruitment policy. Corruption has been identified as an important factor in the discriminatory practices that characterize the Nigerian recruitment policies. The Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2015 ranked Nigeria number 136 on a scale of 180 corrupt countries. The report noted that corruption erodes economic freedom by introducing insecurity and uncertainty into economic relationships. Lien (2002) also indicates that, there is a possibility of allocation inefficiencies in corrupt practices. He acknowledges that though empirical verification of discrimination is difficult, discrimination is a general phenomenon in competitive bribery games.

  • Objectives of the Study

This major objective of this study is to examine the problem of staff recruitment in Nnewi North Local Government Area. Specifically the study will;

  1. Examine the problems affecting effective implementation of recruitment policies in Nnewi North LGA.
  2. Determine the effects of unconventional recruitment processes in Nnewi North Local Government Area.
  3. Examine the measures that can be used to solve recruitment problem in Nnewi North Local Government Area?
  4. Determine the various recruitment and selection sources that exist in Nnewi North Local Government Area.
    • Research Questions
  5. What are the problems affecting effective implementation of recruitment policies in Nnewi North Local Government Area?
  6. What is the effect of unconventional recruitment processes in Nnewi North Local Government Area?
  7. What measures can be used to solve recruitment problems in Nnewi North Local Government Area?
  8. What are the various recruitment and selection sources existing in Nnewi North Local Government Area?
    • Research Hypotheses

In a bid to facilitate this research and make it more purposeful, the study will test the following hypotheses;


Hypothesis One

Ho: There are no problems affecting effective implementation of recruitment policies in Nnewi North Local Government Area.

Hi: There are problems affecting effective implementation of recruitment policies in Nnewi North Local Government Area.

Hypothesis Two

Ho: Unconventional recruitment processes has a negative effect in Nnewi North Local Government Area.

Hi: Unconventional recruitment processes has a positive effect in Nnewi North Local Government Area.

Hypothesis Three

Ho: There are no measures that can be used to solve recruitment problems in Nnewi North Local Government Area.

Hi: There are measures that can be used to solve recruitment problems in Nnewi North Local Government Area.


  • Significance of the Study

A study of this nature will help Nnewi North Local Government Area and other related organizations to adopt measures in the context of human resource planning and development in relation to recruitment. It will also be beneficial to the Local Government Civil Service Commission and decision makers who deal directly with the Local Government to make meaningful proposals and suggestion to improve the recruitment policies and process in Local Governments in Nigeria.

Furthermore the study will serve as existing literature to those who want to delve much into human resource planning and development. Finally this will give fore knowledge to management of Nnewi North Local Government Area before embarking on human resource planning and development.

  • Scope of the Study

The study is meant to investigate the problem of staff recruitment in Nnewi North Local Government Area. The participants of this study are delimited to employees of Nnewi North Local Government Area.

  • Limitations of the Study

In the course of carrying out this study, the researcher encountered some difficulties, the researcher discovered that the resources needed to carry out this research was limited, moving from one library to another. Also the questionnaire had to be typed and administered to selected respondents of the organization not as one thought process, it required the personal involvement of the researcher to motivate the worker to fill the questionnaire, explain certain words and answer. Another constraint is lack of total cooperation from the respondents in Nnewi North Local Government Area, who was unwilling to co-operate with the researcher because they felt that they had nothing to gain from the study. Another serious constraint is finance, because of economic difficulties Nigeria is passing through, it was difficult to get enough money to achieve ones crucial desires. A research of this nature involves a lot of fund e.g for typing, distributing and collecting the questionnaire, and other necessary data for the study.  Others, when interviewed refused to disclose certain information relating to their organization for fear of victimization from the authority of the organization.

In spite of all these limitations, however, data collected were able to provide enough insight to the research.

  • Definition of terms

Recruitment: To find new people to join a company, organization e.t.c

Organization: The activity of organizing

Effective: Having desired effect; producing the intended result

Ministry: A government department or the building(s) it occupies

Education: a process of training and instruction.

Selection: the process or act of selecting

Employee: an individual who provides labour to a company or another person.

Process: a series of event to produce a result especially as contrasted to product.

Favouritism: the unfair favouring of one person or group at the expense of another

Local Government: Any form of government whose remit covers an area less than that of the nation, and in some cases less than that of a state.

Efficiency: The extent to which a resource is used for the intended purpose; the ratio of useful work to energy expended.

Staff: The employee of a business or organization


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