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ABSTRACT: Stress is considered to be an integral part of one’s life; stress can be any kind of worry, anxiety, hassle, trauma, tension, pain, or pressure. Stress is sometimes avoidable but sometimes it is unavoidable and one has to become aware of certain measures and ways about how to manage it appropriately. This study is centered on managing stress with music therapy amongst students of the University of Port Harcourt, Super Local Government Area of River State. The study reveals the signs and symptoms of stress, musical genres that are suitable for managing stress, hindrance of using music therapy for stress management, musical activities that could be used to manage stress. The study, therefore, recommends that students should be educated on the importance and the need for managing stress with music therapy, research has found that stress is a contributory factor to ailments if not well managed.


ABSTRACT: Stress is considered to be an integral part of one’s life; stress can be any kind of worry, anxiety, hassle, trauma, tension, pain, or pressure. Stress is sometimes avoidable but sometimes it is unavoidable and one has to become aware of certain measures and ways about how to manage it appropriately. This study is centered on managing stress with music therapy amongst students of the University of Port Harcourt, Super Local Government Area of River State. The study reveals the signs and symptoms of stress, musical genres that are suitable for managing stress, hindrance of using music therapy for stress management, musical activities that could be used to manage stress. The study, therefore, recommends that students should be educated on the importance and the need for managing stress with music therapy, research has found that stress is a contributory factor to ailments if not well managed.







Stress has been knighted the “health epidemic of the 21st century” by the world health organization (WHO, 2016). According to the American Institute of stress (2014), 77% of adults report regularly feeling stressed. The effects of stress on our emotional and physical health can be catastrophic if not managed properly and can lead to serious health challenges. According to Mojoyinola (2008), stress is derived from the word “stingi” which means “to be drawn tight “(p.6). According to a Bloomberg study conducted in (2015), to determine the most stressful country in the world, after year-long research it was discovered that our own country Nigeria is the most notable country with stress challenges in the world (NINI, 2017). Stress is synonymous with those living in Nigeria and this is evident in our day to day living, ranging from the lack of power supply to the bad road people travel on each day, and the never-ending traffic on major roads, and with the very high level of insecurity which is rampaging the entire country at the moment. The list of problems that can lead to stress is endless and Nigeria, due to its peculiar situation in (economical, financial, democratic, etc), can indeed be tagged as “the most stressful country in the world”. Stress is the reaction people have concerning excessive pressure or demands that are placed on them which can be from the workplace, business, or school, etc. The American college health association (2015), found that about 30% of students reported that their stress levels affected they’re academic and personal (p.3). Stress feelings tend to arise when people worry that they cannot cope with the situation of things, this makes the body react in a physical, mental, and emotional ways. According to saucer and Murphy (1991), occupational stress is defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirement of the job do not match the capabilities, resources,s or needs of the worker (p.12). Although stress is a normal part of life, it can be very dangerous if not well managed. This study will be focusing on using music therapy to manage stress. (USNLM, (2018) The U.S National Library of Medicine defined Stress as a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress lasts for a long time, it may harm your health.

Music therapy over the years has been a very vital tool in stress management. The therapeutic relevance of music was first discovered in the Bible where the lad of Jesse’s house (David) played the harp to soothe King Saul whenever the evil spirit from God came upon him ( 1st Samuel 16:23) Another account which formally paved the way for the profession began after world war I and World War II, when community musicians of all types both amateur and professionals, went to veterans hospitals around the country to play for the thousands of veterans suffering from both physical and emotional trauma from the wars. The positive response from the patients mandated the doctors and nurses to hire more musicians to the hospital. And it became evident that the musicians should be well trained before entering the facility, that was when music therapy as a profession officially began, however the earliest known reference to music therapy appeared in 1789 in an unsigned article in Columbian Magazine titled “ music physically considered”(AMTA), and from that point, the interest in music therapy continued to gain support, which led to the establishment of music therapy organization such as the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), the Canadian Music therapy association and many more. The use of music for healing in Nigeria is a very old tradition. Music healing is performed in various traditional cultures in Nigeria. It has been in oral form. Traditional music healing is mostly carried out by specialized native doctors. In a few communities, they are specialists who are not doctors (native doctors), but just specialized music healers. The major tool of the healing intervention is the music of special types, often played with special instruments and dance. The therapy takes place at a specific place and particular hours of the day or night; thus location and timing are very important. Clinical music therapy was introduced in Nigeria in 1985 by Prof. Marini. Music has been used to heal in Africa for centuries although it was not called music therapy then but uses the same tool which is music, specifically the African indigenous music. Some were specialized in this practice eg: Traditional healers: These are traditional people who are skilled in the use of herbs and animal parts to treat human ailments. In Nigeria, these traditional healers are not native or witch doctors.  They do not consult oracles. They are simply known as traditional healers. As consultant healers, they know when music can curatively be applied to patients’ situations. Other forms of therapy used by such practitioners include bloodletting, Heat therapy, Hydrotherapy, Massage, etc. Native/Witch Doctors:   These are people of super-physical powers who can read the oracle and also understand the mysteries of the coven and necromantic assembly.  The native doctors in Nigeria have special drums made of the hide of Indian pythons.  These drums are usually consecrated before use. The native doctors believe that wicked deeds such as taking part in the spiritual attack of relations, having evil hands in relations’ business can make one develop a guilty conscience that can manifest in emotional sickness.  When the drum is played for them to dance to, they are moved to confess their misdeeds and are therefore relieved of their burden and completely healed. Music therapy in the nationalities of Nigeria has remained efficacious to date because music has been identified to work on the emotional and spiritual levels of humans’ minds. In this vein, McClellan (1988) posits that “the existence of illness in the body may be called a shadow of the true illness which is held by a man in his mind” (p.193). Faith Healers: Mume (1973) talks of faith healing in Nigeria as being a medicoreligious practice. They are also known for using music in their healing processes (p. 4).

Some notable philosophers also talked about the effects of music, the great philosopher Pythagoras believed that both the body and the soul could be influenced by music. Another philosopher Plato in his theory of “correspondence” stated that “Musical mundane corresponded with music Humana” In other words, the “heavenly harmony of the music of the spheres could have a positive (or negative) effect on “earthly souls.

The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), viewed music as the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program (AMTA, (2014), A renowned music therapist in Nigeria Mereni also viewed music therapy as the controlled use of music in the treatment, education or training and rehabilitation of children and adults suffering from physical, mental or emotional disorder (Mereni 2006), although music therapy is not embedded in our health care system we are proud to have two certified music therapists in Nigeria. This paper had therefore set out to ascertain the extent to which music would serve as therapy for managing stress among lecturers and students of the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers state Nigeria. The researcher is skeptical as to whether the university academics are fully aware of the various signs and symptoms of which can be managed using music therapy and also identify the types of music that could be used for stress management.


Music therapy has been proven to be highly effective in the field of medicine for rehabilitation purposes and has been widely used in countries such as the United States of America (USA), Canada, and Australia, etc. These countries have been enjoying the health benefits of music therapy and music interventions, however music therapy is not fully utilized in Nigeria because it has not been formally institutionalized in the healthcare delivery services in Nigeria, although there have been several accounts that music was used by an indigenous bone doctor in their treatment processes (Meki: 2018 class interaction)


This study aims to ascertain the extent to which music would serve as therapy in managing stress and stress-related issues amongst students of universities in Nigeria using the University of Portharcourt as a case study.


  1. To determine the awareness level of the various signs and symptoms of stress which would be managed using music therapy amongst students.
  2. Identify the different genres of music that could be used in managing stress.
  3. To find out the challenges of managing stress with music therapy
  4. Identify ways at which music therapy can be used to manage stress in the University Community.


  1. What is the awareness level of signs and symptoms of stress?
  2. What kind of music will be suitable for stress management?
  3. What are some hindrances that could be experienced when managing stress using music therapy?
  4. What are the ways music therapy can be used to manage stress?


This study will elucidate the University community on the benefits of using music therapy to manage work/school stress amongst students of the University of Port Harcourt. This study will also provide effective ways of managing stress with music therapy.


The scope of this study is centered on the effectiveness of music therapy in managing stress amongst students and of the University of Port Harcourt (uniport)


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