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This study examined performance appraisal and employee performance: a study of Federal Inland Revenue service, Awka. Performance appraisal involves performance rating, employees’ performance review, personal appraisal, performance evaluation, etc. The major concern on this work was to investigate the factors that led to poor performance appraisal in an organization. In an attempt to look into the problems, several literatures, studies and works were reviewed. A sample of 106 staff was selected from the population using random sampling method. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources and presented in tables and analysed using percentage and frequencies. Some hypothesis where formulated and tested using Chi square test method. It was discovered during the research exercise that myriads problems are responsible for low productivity in Federal Inland Revenue Service. The findings shows that, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Awka, has had disagreement in the past with its employees as a result of bias in performance appraisal as was perceived by the employees to be tainted with bias and favouritism.  It was observed that the ministry has had disagreement in the past with its employees as a result of unfair performance appraisal as was perceived by the employees’. Following the above findings, the researcher has recommended that a combination of two or more appraisal methods should be adopted, this in no doubt will offer the best alternative to general application to be adopted.


ABSTRACT: This study examined employee performance appraisal and employee performance: a study of Federal Inland Revenue service, Awka.  Employee performance appraisal involves performance rating, employee performance review, personal appraisal, employee performance evaluation, etc. The major concern on this work was to investigate the factors that led to poor performance appraisal in an organization. In an attempt to look into the problems, several literatures, studies and works were reviewed. A sample of 106 staff was selected from the population using random sampling method. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources and presented in tables and analysed using percentage and frequencies. Some hypothesis where formulated and tested using Chi square test method. It was discovered during the research exercise that myriads problems are responsible for low productivity in Federal Inland Revenue Service. The findings shows that, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Awka, has had disagreement in the past with its employees as result of bias in performance appraisal as was perceived by the employees to be tainted with bias and favouritism.  It was observed that the ministry has had disagreement in the past with its employees as a result of unfair performance appraisal as was perceived by the employees’. Following the above findings, the researcher has recommended that a combination of two or more appraisal methods should be adopted, this in no doubt will offer the best alternative to general application to be adopted.




  • Introduction
    • Background of the Study.

In recent years, much attention has been given to the subject of employee performance appraisal, as a result of the role it plays in organization effectiveness. employee performance appraisal is an important programme.

Thus, the process of appraisal is inevitable in any organization, though the way it is carried out varies and is within the control of organization’s decision makers.

Performance appraisal, which is also called performance evaluation process, is designed to offer or provide consistent annual review for all employees. The process is designed to offer both the employee and appraisal (usually the direct supervisor) improved communication, fair assessment and objective view of abilities that relate to the job responsibilities.

In a work group, employees do not work at the same level of intensity and commitment. There are top performers; nothing is as discourage and frustrating as the practice of paying all these workers at the same level and falling to reward excellent performance.

According to Eze, (2002) “there should be some incentive for superior work, and motivation stimulate the marginal performance”.

Employee performance appraisal is about appraising the workers contribution to the productivity objectives of organizations. The employee is employed, initiated into organization, trained and matched to particular job in organization.

The commonly used appraisal technique according to Thierauf (1982) includes essay appraisal method, graphic rating, field review, and forced-choice rating, critical incident appraisal, management by objective (MBO), working standard, ranking method and assessment centres. No one technique has the ability to achieve all purpose for which management institutes performance appraisal method to desired performance goal.

A performance appraisal process is directed towards two fundamental goals; to create a measure that accurately assesses the level of an individual’s job performance and create an evaluation system that will advance one or more operational functions in an organization. Although, all performance appraisal system encompasses both goals, they are reflected differently in two major research orientations. One that grows out of the measurement tradition, the other from human resources management and other fields that focus on the organizational purpose of performance appraisal.

It is said that the biblical Adam and eve were evaluated by God, and this marked the first attempt at evaluating workers performance. The only difference is that these couples were not employees in any form. In our daily activities in the organization, the supervisor is continually evaluating his impression about us in usually informal manner, patting the workers at the back or showing disapproval through one expression or the other.

The subject of this work therefore is to determine to what extent the above lapses are true in the process of performance appraisal in the Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka.

  • Statement of Problem

More often than not, we hear some employees of most government organizations complaining bitterly about the employee performance appraisal system of the organization. It is either that the method of appraising the performance of employees is no satisfactory or that the management does not employ appraisal results in making decisions of who and who should be remunerated higher. Actually appraisal scheme are purely designed to assess past performance indirect relation to merit salaries, awards, promotion and also to describe schemes designed to improve the performance of the employees. It is suggested that there is more likelihood of appraisal leading to action on the part of the individual being appraised depending on whether or not the appraisal exercise was on objective reflection of job performance. Also, there will be a negative attitude on the part of employees where the results of the appraisal were reflected in making decisions on salary, promotion and so on.

Generally, workers believe that remuneration is based on factors other than performance. Ejiofor,(1990) noted that Nigerian workers see fate and favoritism as the path to success in work place, such that even when the organization has succeeded in appraising well, workers yet lose confidence in such appraising. This is mostly applicable in government organization such as Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka.

Thus, the Federal Inland Revenue Service needs to design an objective appraisal system, but for it to be effective, the workers must perceive that it is indeed objective and is also applied with fairness.

  • Objectives of The Study

The broad objective of the study is to evaluate employee’s attitude towards performance appraisal in Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka. Thus the specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To find the method of employee performance appraisal employed by the Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka.
  2. To investigate whether or not the employees of the Federal Inland Revenue Service participates in the appraisal process, that is to what extent the process is opened or closed.
  3. To examine if there is a clear-cut relationship between performance and reward Federal Inland Revenue Service.
  4. To determine how often the Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka appraises the performance of its employees.
  5. To find out employees attitude generally as regards performance appraisal process of the Federal Inland Revenue Service and its effects on them and their performance.
    • Research Questions

In a bid to find solution to the research problems, the following research questions were developed.

  1. What is the attitude of employees towards employee performance appraisal?
  2. To what extent does employees participates in appraising their performance?
  3. Is there any relationship between employee performance appraisal, reward and actual performance or productivity of the employees?
  4. To what extent are the employees satisfied with the appraisal system or process in the organization?
  5. Has the appraised system or process achieve the intended results in the organization?
    • Research Hypotheses

In order to carry out this research the following hypotheses were formulated.

Hypothesis one

Ho: employee performance appraisal has a significant relationship with the attitude of workers towards their jobs in Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka.

Hi: employee performance appraisal has no significant relationship with the attitude of workers towards their jobs in Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka.

Hypothesis two

Ho: There is significant relationship between employee performance appraisal and staff performance

Hi: There is significant relationship between employee performance appraisal and staff performance.

  • Significance of The Study

Performance appraisal is an important part of management. There are many concrete reasons for conducting employee’s performance appraisal and many potential uses for the information generated.

Thus, the significance of this study is to call the attention of the management of Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka and other public government institutions who employ appraisal scheme as a management tool in decision making to the employee performance appraisal scheme.

Furthermore this study will aid scholars to contribute immensely in the academic circles in carrying out proper research and formulation of relevant theories. Without much ado and will help me to obtain a B.Sc degree.

Finally, the study will serve as a data base for future research to be carried out on employee’s performance appraisal and more especially on the attitude of employees towards performance appraisal, with special emphasis on government ministries.

  • Scope of The Study

The scope of the research covered an evaluation of employee’s attitude towards performance appraisal in an organization, a study of Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka.

  • Limitations of The Study

In the course of carrying out this study, the researcher encountered some difficulties, which include financial and time constraints.

The most teething problem faced by the researcher is finance. He is just a dependent undergraduate, who had to rely on her meagre pocket money to finance the work. Also the questionnaire had to be typed and administered to selected respondents of the organization not as one thought process, it required the personal involvement of the researcher to motivate the worker to fill the questionnaire, explain certain words and answer. Another constraint is lack of total cooperation from the respondents of Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka, who was unwilling to cooperate with the researcher because they felt that they had nothing to gain from the study. Others, when interviewed refused to disclose certain information relating to their organization for fear of victimization from the authority of the organization.

In spite of all these limitations, however, data collected were able to provide enough insight into employee attitude towards performance appraisal process in Federal Inland Revenue Service Awka.

  • Definition of Terms
  • Performance appraisal: it is the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his performance on the job and his potential for development.
  • Appraiser: the officer who appraise the performance of the subordinate.
  • Appraise: the subordinate whose performance is being appraised.
  • Feedback: it refers to the process of informing an employee how well he is doing and how management perceives his contribution to the entire organization effort.
  • Morale: total satisfaction a person derives from his job, his supervisor, the organization and his environment.
  • Management: the process or practice of managing.



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